
gRPC Client

gRPC Clients are usually generated by Protobuf compilers such as protoc or buf. The connection itself is generic and this is where Mortar enters.

// GRPCClientConnectionWrapper is a convenience wrapper to support predefined dial Options
// provided by GRPCClientConnectionBuilder
type GRPCClientConnectionWrapper interface {
    // Context can be nil
    Dial(ctx context.Context, target string, extraOptions ...grpc.DialOption) (grpc.ClientConnInterface, error)

// GRPCClientConnectionBuilder is a convenience builder to gather []grpc.DialOption
type GRPCClientConnectionBuilder interface {
    AddOptions(opts ...grpc.DialOption) GRPCClientConnectionBuilder
    Build() GRPCClientConnectionWrapper
GRPCClientConnectionWrapper explained

GRPCClientConnectionWrapper.Dial method is very similar to one defined in gRPC client.

func DialContext(ctx context.Context, target string, opts ...DialOption) (conn *ClientConn, err error)

However, the return value from gRPC method is *grpc.ClientConn which is a struct. This makes it difficult to mock if needed. Lately gRPC project added grpc.ClientConnInterface to help them in tests, but since it’s an Interface it was borrowed…

Mortar provides a Builder interface that allows you to add different Options before creating a connection. While you can create one yourself, Mortar comes with predefined Client Builders. You just need to make sure they’re registered/provided in Uber-Fx.

HTTPClientBuildersFxOption is used for both gRPC and HTTP Clients.

Once provided you should inject the client.GRPCClientConnectionBuilder.

Customizing gRPC connection

While you should add all the gRPC Client Interceptors using a provided Uber-Fx group GRPCUnaryClientInterceptors, the reason you inject the client.GRPCClientConnectionBuilder is the ability to add custom options for a particular connection.

  • Ignore TLS by adding grpc.WithInsecure() only when connecting to server X.
  • Block until the underlying connection is up using grpc.WithBlock() when establishing a connection against service Y.
  • More options can be found here.


We will use our Demo -> SubWorkshop as an example.

  1. Register/Provide HTTP Clients dependencies.

     import (
     func HttpClientFxOptions() fx.Option {
         return fx.Options(
             providers.HTTPClientBuildersFxOption(), // client builders for gRPC and HTTP
  2. Inject builder.

     type subWorkshopControllerDeps struct {
      GRPCClientBuilder client.GRPCClientConnectionBuilder
  3. Create a connection.

    wrapper := s.deps.GRPCClientBuilder.Build()
    conn, err := wrapper.Dial(ctx, "localhost:5381", grpc.WithInsecure())
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("can't connect to %s, %w", "localhost:5381", err)
  4. Use this connection to create a gRPC client.

     grpcClient := protopackage.NewServiceClient(conn)
     resp, err := grpcClient.DoSomething(ctx, &protopackage.ServiceRequest{})
     if err != nil {
         return err
     fmt.Printf("Response: %s", resp)