
Dependency Pattern

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We are using this pattern when creating a new Uber-FX dependency, it makes it easy adding new external dependencies later when your application evolves. To explain this better, we will do this with a Notifier example.


  1. Define our Notifier interface:

    type Notifier interface{
        Alert(ctx context.Context, msg string)
  2. Create a dependency “container” for all future dependencies of the Notifier implementation and embed fx.In into it. This will mark it and will tell Uber-FX to inject all the requested dependencies:

    // It's not public as you can see
    type notifierDeps struct {
  3. Create an implementation struct:

    // Notice again that's not public
    type notifier struct{
        deps notifierDeps
  4. Create a Constructor function that will return a Notifier implementation as a type:

    func CreateNotifier(deps notifierDeps) (Notifier,error) {
        return &notifier(deps:deps), nil
  5. Finally, implement it:

    func (n *notifier) Alert(ctx context.Context, msg string) {
        // alert someone


Now, suppose you want to log every time you alert someone. All you need to do is:

  1. Add a log.Logger dependency to the notifierDeps struct:

    type notifierDeps struct {
        Logger log.Logger
  2. Use it:

    func (n *notifier) Alert(ctx context.Context, msg string) {
        n.deps.Logger.WithField("msg", msg).Debug(ctx, "alerting")
        // alert someone


You are happily using Notifier in your application, but what about tests? You know, to test logic that has Notifier as a dependency. Notifier will probably call an external service, which is not available during tests. One way to do it, is to use gomock.

  1. You can add a comment above the Notifier interface:

    //go:generate mockgen -source=notifier.go -destination=mock/notifier_mock.go
    type Notifier interface{
        Alert(ctx context.Context, msg string)
  2. Execute go generate ./... and it will generate all the mocks in your application.

  3. Use the generated mock in your tests.

Mortar includes mocks of all of its interfaces in their respective directories, for example a Logger mock.

You can find several test examples here.